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A Message to My Readers:

Hey, so today’s chapter has been delayed a bit. I don’t know when it’ll be out, either late today or tomorrow, but it will be out soon!

I just wanted to take this moment, though, to thank all of my readers! Nothing makes me happier than posting a new chapter and waiting to see all of your reactions! I literally wait by my computer for goodness-knows-how long! So thank you all so much for just being here—I never thought this little Ninjago fan fiction would ever even get more than a hundred views 😅 You all give the motivational boost I need to get everything done in a week, and I wouldn’t be here without you!


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1 comentario

venelopi mlp
venelopi mlp
27 sept 2021

Hey Rhapsody! it's so amazing that you are putting youself and your writing out there for the world. not every writer can do that right away- heck, any creator period can't do that right away- but we are all here to keep on reading and commenting and supporting. (even if I am reading the whole entire second book just now becouse I was stressed and didn't have the time when book 2 actually came out.....) but still always here! :-)

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