So.... season 13.... here we are. For those who don’t want spoilers, I would suggest not reading this. For everyone else, I have so much to say. Let’s start with the most obvious thing, shall we?
Okay, so... this season focuses on a character who is sometimes considered the leader, has shaggy dark hair, received a supernatural scar on his forehead, and has a goofy best friend who is in love with a sassy, smart female lead. They also have an old teacher with a long white beard. And the story is about this character’s mother, who passed away a long while ago, and who presumably dealt with an evil sorcerer.... and her name is Lily..... and now they are here to stop this sorcerer once and for all... HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I wOnDeR WhErE I’vE hEaRd tHat bEfOrE

Honestly, I never made this connection until we found out Cole’s Mother’s name... and that set off a chain reaction in my head... and I cannot unsee it....
also, jay does indeed look like ron.
OMG never made the connection until now! even if I don't really like.... the book series it's referring to. don't kill me, I'ts not my favorite one. cool poster, thought. can't wait for book 2!! :-)